Sen. John Kennedy: Either Mayorkas believes in open borders or he is not qualified to manage Chuck E. Cheese

Sen. John Kennedy explained the three steps he would go through to help resolve the border crisis and what he learned after drilling secretary Mayorkas with questions about the border on “Your World.


SEN. JOHN KENNEDY: Here’s what I learned today. I learned today that either Secretary Mayorkas believes in completely, completely open borders or he is not qualified to manage a Chuck E. Cheese. Now, he is not incompetent. He is not an unintelligent man. It is clear to me, after listening to the secretary for about three, maybe 4 hours, that he believes in open borders.

There are three simple steps, one of which I asked him about that could solve three quarters of our problem tomorrow. He refuses to do any of those three. I repeat, I have concluded after today, he just believes the border ought to be wide open. 

And not a unilateral, safe third country program. If we don’t need anybody’s permission to say to refugees, if you want to seek asylum, you have to seek asylum in the first safe country other than your own. In most cases, that’s Mexico. 

And if you go through Mexico and don’t seek asylum, but come to the US, we turn you away. Number two, if you do start in Mexico and seek asylum in the United States, you fill out the paperwork in Mexico and you stay in Mexico until it’s time for your court date. 

Number three, when you go to court, if you lose and most asylum seekers do lose, then you are deported immediately, not allowed to stay in the United States permanently. Those three things will solve three quarters of our problem.